The 10th day of Dawn of Disease being in Soundlodge Studio is over!
Today Lukas recorded some overdubs and melodies.
Unfortunately Olli will not arrive this evening but tomorrow morning.
Nevertheless he will surely totally shred and play like a god!
In addition our bassplayer Michael is already preparing to record his tracks on saturday.
By the way he has a brand new guitar. Check it out ;-D
We are very excited how it will sound like with all the second guitar tracks!
Dawn of Disease
Blue Waffles Disease is considered in two ways. Some people don’t believe in the Blue Waffle while those who do, already know that there is no such thing officially called as the Blue Waffles Disease. The name of the disease comes from a slang name mainly because the disease involves blue coloring of the vagina. We’ll discuss both sides of the disease since its spreading very widely.